During the ongoing court proceedings, it has been revealed that Brad Smith, an expert in election law, could potentially be the next witness called by the defense. It is speculated that he might be their sole witness unless the former president decides to testify. The defense team, particularly Emile Bove, Trump's attorney, is planning to question Smith on the definitions of 'expenditure' and 'contribution' in relation to the case.
Currently, the discussions are taking place in the absence of the jury and Michael Cohen, with the focus on clarifying the distinctions between the two terms. Bove emphasized the importance of understanding these definitions, indicating that they are crucial in the context of the case.
The Trump team's strategy seems to revolve around seeking clarity on the legal definitions to support their arguments. By delving into the specifics of what constitutes an expenditure versus a contribution, they aim to strengthen their position in the courtroom.

As the proceedings progress, the anticipation is high regarding the potential testimony of Brad Smith and the impact it may have on the case. With the trial entering a crucial phase, the role of expert witnesses like Smith becomes pivotal in shaping the narrative and providing valuable insights.
As the legal teams prepare for another week of court sessions, the significance of each witness's testimony cannot be understated. The courtroom dynamics are evolving, and the strategic maneuvers of both the prosecution and defense are coming to the forefront.
Stay tuned for further updates as the trial unfolds, and the implications of Brad Smith's testimony become clearer in the context of the larger legal battle.