Boys at a school are unhappy that doors from the toilets have been removed and it has left them feeling "uncomfortable" using them.
The decision was taken at Range High School in Formby to remove the doors over the Christmas half-term over what has been called "anti-social behaviour", reported the Liverpool Echo.
But no changes have been made to the girls' toilets where the doors remain.
One Year 11 pupil at the school said that he doesn't like the way people can now hear them using the toilet from outside.
He said: "People don't feel comfortable using the toilets.

"There are cubicles, but the urinals are behind a screen and you can see into the room and hear people using the toilets.
"It's just created tension in the school. It happened to me yesterday, I was using the toilet and there were some girls outside, and as I was coming out they shouted 'we can hear you'.
"It's not a comfortable experience."
The student also said he did not think it was fair for only the boys' toilets to be targeted in this way and yet the girls' still have doors.
He said: "I don't think the girls should have their doors removed but for me you should either do it to both or not at all.
"I don't understand why. You will get a different answer depending on who you ask. One said because of anti-social behaviour, another said to improve ventilation."
Tom Dolly, deputy headteacher at Range High School, told the Liverpool Echo that it was decided to remove the doors due to "anti-social behaviour", and he denied that the boys' privacy is affected.
He said: "Following some anti-social behaviour in certain boys' toilets, the school has refurbished and upgraded some of the facilities as part of an ongoing improvement agenda and as requested by the school student council.
"No one's privacy is compromised in any way following the installation of new privacy panelling in the two toilets where doors have been removed.
"There are also many other toilets across the school for students to access."