It’s a great day for the melancholy gays! The sun is shining, a breeze is running through the trees and Lucy Dacus has revealed that she’s in a committed relationship with her Boygenius bandmate Julien Baker!
Speaking to PEOPLE, Dacus confirmed the rumours spreading online like wildfire.
“I can confirm we are dating. We are together. People are right,” she said, noting that it feels “funny to say it so plainly”.
“We just talked about it kind of recently, and we were like, ‘What is actually at risk for people knowing this?’
“We wanted to be protective because it matters so much. I hope to God people knowing won’t make it a less true or pleasant experience. So that’s one of the many precious things I’m giving up with this record. And she’s ready to be telling people, too. So, from us to you, we are in love.”

On Tuesday, the New York Times published a profile interview with Dacus, 29, to promote her upcoming solo album Forever Is A Feeling. In the interview, Dacus delved into why she went public with Baker. After all, the album is all about falling in love — specifically the experience of falling in love with Baker and the unknown territory that comes with it.
Although Dacus never set out to hide her relationship with the singer-guitarist, they made the decision to keep their relationship private amidst the fevered attention brought on them by their musical project Boygenius.
“It only takes a handful [of fans] to make your life feel like a really easily threatened thing,” she said.
“I’ve been practising not reinforcing that narrative to myself.”

But with her love story with Baker front and centre in the upcoming album, Dacus recognises it’s hard to ignore.
“It’s been interesting because I want to protect what is precious in my life, but also to be honest, and make art that’s true,” she explained.
“I think maybe a part of it is just trusting that it’s not at risk. Maybe a healthier way to think about it is that it’s not actually fragile. These songs are about different people. But, you know, ‘Most Wanted Man in West Tennessee’ — what are you gonna do?” referencing the fact that Baker is from Memphis, Tennessee.
While some people can’t imagine dating a friend, for Dacus, that’s always been the natural progression of her relationships. After being friends with Baker for over nine years, she says the romantic vibes were “percolating” during their time working together as Boygenius.
“How are you doing romance without friendship?” she exclaimed, per the New York Times.
“I can’t imagine. That feels so hollow. It makes me feel ill! Someone that’s not my friend? Are you serious? Almost every relationship I have been in, we’ve had some business or creative dealings.”
Plus, Dacus admits that she’s drawn to fellow musicians.
“I don’t mean this just sexually, but it turns me on,” she said.
“To have your minds meet on something, and be, like, ‘Oh, my gosh, you said what I couldn’t say. I love your mind.”
Lucy Dacus’ album Forever Is A Feeling is out on March 28.
The post Boygenius’ Lucy Dacus & Julien Baker Confirm Romance Rumours: ‘We Are Together’ appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .