Boy Swallows Universe episode 2 continues to explore Eli's complicated life, including more about his relationship with stepfather Lyle, and the dangerous criminal world he's involved in.
Eli's inquisitive nature also continues throughout this episode when he begins to learn more about the drug network and the kind of situations that Lyle is getting into, becoming frustrated by the whole situation.
But Eli's insistence to help his dysfunctional family puts him in a dangerous situation and as the episode progresses, the series takes a darker turn.
Here's what happened in Boy Swallows Universe episode 2...
Who is Ivan Krull?
Episode 2 opens with Eli, Gus, Frances, and Lyle arriving at a house. Eli comments on how large it is compared to what they're used to, and when they reach the front door, Lyle says they've come about the Atari games console.
They buy the console from a wealthy woman, managing to get it for 57 dollars instead of 100. Lyle makes a joke about Frances being a "teenage runaway" and she gets upset, but he promises her they'll make a better life for them all.
Lyle drives the children to where he works, showing them all the different tools he works with, and they meet his boss, Mr Broz, who owns the factory. Eli continues to write letters to inmates, telling stories about his life.
Eli also continues to confront Lyle about his drug dealing, and when the local pool is closed for maintenance, they end up going alongside him to a rural place where Lyle begins to feel anxious. He tries to convince Eli and Gus to stay in the car, but Eli argues, and he agrees that they can come along.
They're invited inside, and the men there make fun of Lyle for bringing him to the deal. While the deal is going down, the woman inside, Elsie, invites Eli and Gus to the kitchen for a soft drink and snacks.
Lyle questions Eli about what he was discussing with Elsie, and he admits she told him that "their gear was way better than Dustin Vang's" because he cuts his gear with Mannitol, a sugar alcohol. He also reveals that delivery guys keep getting bumped off.
Later, Eli continues to question Lyle about other drug dealers and kingpins in the area, and Lyle brushes him off saying that Ivan Kroll is a "boogeyman" invented to keep people in line and that Eli should stop worrying about things. Eli offers to "watch his back" and Lyle tells him to stop getting so involved.
Eli continues dreaming about the car from Gus' various drawings, as it traverses through space, passing planets. He wakes with a start and cries for his mom, but it's still not clear what happened.
The next day, Lyle drives the kids to school and tells them to stop hanging out with Darren because he's a "psycho". Eli argues that he doesn't hang out with him, before thanking him for the lift and heading into school. Lyle watches them goofing around outside and smiles, before driving off.
At school, a girl named Shelley collapses and Gus seems genuinely concerned for her. Later that day, Eli sees his mom volunteering at the school canteen since Shelley's mom had to take her to the hospital. One of the other canteen workers asks Frances if Lyle can get her some drugs, and she insists he's not dealing anymore.
Eli sees Shelley hanging out with Gus and learns that there's something wrong with her leg muscles and that she's using crutches. He invites her in to watch the football but she declines, heading home.
Later, Eli and his family attend Broz’s party. While there, Eli finds Darren who speaks about the various guests who have gathered there, including this infamous Ivan Krull. He has a big, easily identifiable scar on his face, and hides it with a prosthetic.

There's plenty of rumours surrounding Ivan, including that he was shot by one of his victims family members', seeking revenge. Ivan survived and later killed the perpetrator with a chainsaw. Unfortunately for Eli, Ivan has clocked him, and is taking an interest in him.
Broz makes a speech about how he intends to make body prosthetics affordable to the masses, which explains why Ivan is hanging around due to his personal interest in the prosthetic that hides his disfiguration.
Later, things take a dark turn when Ivan and his men infiltrate the Bell home, demanding to give him the drugs he'd stashed otherwise he'll kill the family. Lyle refuses, and Gus speaks for the first time, swearing at Ivan and telling him to f*** off.
The episode ends on a dramatic note, with Eli's finger getting cut with a sharp knife, causing him to black out.