Boris Johnson has written a three-page latter to Tory MPs seeking for their support ahead on tonight’s no-confidence vote in his leadership of the Conservative party.
The prime minister says the upcoming vote is a “golden opportunity” to put an end to “the media’s favourite obsession”, a line interpreted as a veiled reference to the Partygate scandal.
MPs should back him in order to focus on the “priorities of the British people” despite months of criticism which have been “painful for the whole party”, the prime minister said.
The letter was prepared after Sir Graham Brady, chair of the 1922 committee of Tory MPs informed the prime minister that letters of no confidence had breached the threshold required for a vote.
“I am asking for your support tonight because I know how much we can achieve together,” the letter said, before listing “tough” decisions taken during Mr Johnson’s tenure including the pandemic.
It added: “As the whole world struggles with the economic impact of Putin’s aggression we have already taken decisive action - just as we took action during Covid - to shield the public from the energy price spike.”
Mr Johnson also noted that he and the chancellor will be setting out new plans based on “Conservative principles” in the “next few weeks” after some MPs criticised plans for tax rises on businesses and households.
“We will cut the costs of the government. We will cut the costs of business,” the letter said.
It comes as a slew of MPs have taken to Twitter to express either support or a desire for change in the leadership of the political party.
Former health secretary Jeremy Hunt MP said on social media that Monday’s vote was a choice between a new leader or losing the next general election.
"Having been trusted with power, Conservative MPs know in our hearts we are not giving the British people the leadership they deserve. We are not offering the integrity, competence and vision necessary to unleash the enormous potential of our country.
"And because we are no longer trusted by the electorate, who know this too, we are set to lose the next general election.
He added: "Today’s decision is change or lose. I will be voting for change".
The prime minister’s anti-corruption tsar, Conservative MP John Penrose resigned on Monday.
In a letter to Mr Johnson, he accused the prime minister of breaching the code on the grounds that he had failed to provide adequate leadership over partygate.
Mr Penrose said: “The only fair conclusion to draw from the Sue Gray report is that you have breached a fundamental principle of the ministerial code – a clear resigning matter.”
However, cabinet ministers and some MPs have issued public support for the prime minister ahead of Monday’s anonymous vote.
Liz Truss, the foreign secretary, tweeted: “The prime minister has my 100% backing in today’s vote and I strongly encourage colleagues to support him.
“He has delivered on Covid recovery and supporting Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression. He has apologised for mistakes made. We must now focus on economic growth.”