The cost of living crisis is fuelled in Downing Street while felon Boris Johnson’s the first serving Prime Minister in history to be fined for lawbreaking.
To resign would be honourable yet this criminal liar’s utterly dishonourable.
So what does the unprincipled wriggler do? He criminally scapegoats the wretched of the earth to distract from his self-inflicted woes.
State-sponsored people trafficking, dumping 4,500 miles away in African detention camps the channel crossing asylum seekers and refugees who are mostly found to have legitimate claims for sanctuary in Britain, is about dirty politics, not good policy.
One-way tickets to Rwanda will almost certainly be illegal, an unintentionally fitting move from a Conservative scammer with no respect for the rule of law.
Unpopular, incompetent Home Secretary Priti Patel’s unusual ministerial direction, overruling expert advice the £120m plan’s a waste of money unlikely to deter many people, confirms the poisonous intent.
And when Parliament returns tomorrow, spineless Tory MPs gagging for jobs and gongs will be guilty too by condoning Johnson’s arrogance and racism.
No wonder the PM inciting hate against the demonised reminds Britain’s foremost historian of Nazi Germany, Sir Richard Evans, of Hitler’s scheme to deport Jews to Madagascar.
Or the PM quoting the Bible over Easter to seek a cynical personal resurrection is stomach-churning when his Rwandan diddle is denounced as ungodly by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Thankfully Britain’s a better place than the land of knuckle-scraping troglodytes that Johnson wants to create.

Warm welcomes for Ukrainian and Afghan refugees show ordinary folk have bigger hearts than Johnson and Patel.
Labour leader Keir Starmer’s justly denounces the swindle.
British Future think tank director Sunder Katwala notes support for reducing migration has not been lower for decades, the Tories trailing Labour on immigration after 10 corrosive years of false promises.
With more party fines expected and squeezed families hurting, Rwanda may not prove Johnson’s salvation.
The PM could be trapped with the Home Secretary in a stinking prison they built if the decent majority revolts against a filthy con.