Boris Johnson has made more than £1m from four speaking engagements alone in just two months after leaving No 10.
The figures include £277,723 from Centerview investment bankers in New York, £261,652 from the Hindustan Times in India, £215,275 from Televisão Independente for a speech in Lisbon, and £276,000 from a US-based insurance broker in September.
Mr Johnson also accepted more than £40,000 in free accommodation from Tory donor Lord Bamford and his wife after vacating both Downing Street and Chequers in September.
Since he remains a sitting MP serving Uxbridge and South Ruislip, the information was released in an update to the register of members’ financial interests.
He accepted the hospitality despite part-owning three homes in Oxfordshire, London and Somerset respectively. The Bamford family further contributed in excess of £23,800 towards the Johnsons’ wedding celebrations over the summer, listed as covering the costs of hiring a marquee, portable toilets, waiting staff, flowers, a South African BBQ and an ice cream van.
Notably, the declaration also revealed that current prime minister Rishi Sunak received three donations for his leadership campaign. These figures included £2,000 from asset manager James Diner, £4,000 from Mark Futter and £2,000 from Dr Selva Pankaj, owner of private education company Regent Group.
In December, Mr Johnson gave a speech at a conference on blockchain in Singapore, though his takings from this particular engagement have not yet been made public.
Previously, Johnson has declared more than £11,000 of hospitality in the US from Rupert Murdoch alongside almost £20,000 of hospitality from Heathrow airport for use of the Royal Suite.
Boris Johnson was replaced as prime minister by Liz Truss in September following his resignation in June.
Despite suggestions that he would stand down from parliament at the next election, he has informed his local Conservative Party that he intends to stand again for his seat.