Today's PlayStation State of Play brought some big news for Borderlands 4, as we now know the game is due to launch on September 23, 2025.
An all-too-brief trailer gave us a larger taste of what the in-game action will look like than we've seen before, and Gearbox says a dedicated State of Play reveal show with much more information is coming this spring.
"Explode each encounter with devastating Action Skills that unleash your Vault Hunter’s unique abilities," Gearbox says in a new PlayStation blog post. "Move across the Borderlands like never before—double jumping, gliding, dodging, fixed-point grappling, and more—dealing death from every direction. Borderlands 4 is our most ambitious game to date, giving you more looting and shooting Mayhem than ever before. Our team has been kicking so much ass, and we cannot wait to share it with you!"
Those are obviously some pretty thin details, but the trailer does at give us a more extensive look at the in-game action than the previous trailer provided. We're going to get a lot more information in the upcoming Borderlands 4 State of Play broadcast, due to run at an unspecified date this spring.
"We're diving deep, you guys," Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford said during the State of Play broadcast. "Join us [at the] Borderlands 4 State of Play, for combat, vault hunters, action skills, exploration, and discovery, everything. You're gonna see more guns than you can even count. All on PlayStation 5."
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