National Skin Cancer Action Week
the photographer renowned for shooting nude imagery en-masse was the project’s chief instigator alongside the Cancer Council’s .
Damn. That man really knows how to speak arty to me.
It was the first time in the beach’s history that hanging out with your wang (or similar) out wouldn’t result in a brush with law enforcement and an immediate fine.
I’m desperately hoping was shooting this morning. You can just imagine the sort of cheeky reactions the lifeguards would be having up in the tower.
Approximately 2,500 volunteer models rocked up to be part of the shoot. Sadly, 2,500 is the number of people who die each year in Australia from skin cancer as per .
As we approach the warmer months, the visual was definitely a stark reminder to slip, slop, slap, seek and slide.
If you’re thinking to yourself, “who is this Spencer Tunick bloke?”, you may remember him from a project he did in 2017.
Back then, he gathered 5,000 people for a spectacular outside the Sydney Opera House which went viral . So there you go!
In recent spicy Bondi Beach news, controversy erupted in October over the local council’s decision to allow a boujie to be held on the sand.
Unlike Saturday’s photoshoot, the spenny dinner event was fully clothed with the dress code requesting attendees wear all white.
“This was one of my most difficult works ever,” the American said as per the ABC.
“Bondi is difficult. It’s such a harsh place but a beautiful place at the same time. The sea is so loud, it’s like a hundred freight trains behind me.”
Bondi Rescue Guardian Australia nude shoot across the world 5,000-person dinnerThe post Bondi Beach Was Legally A Nudist Beach On Saturday Morning & Who Says Sydney Has No Culture? appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .