The world is heading towards more sustainable, cleaner and greener solutions to combat environmental degradation and climate change. Transformation of the transportation sector is critical to achieving the goal of reducing CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions. We are fortunate enough that technologies and innovations related to clean transportation have been dynamically developed and are mature enough to be relied on, especially Electric Vehicles (EVs).
However, the adoption of EVs can be particularly complex. It is not only about vehicles or their charging stations; the adaption of EVs should also consider an ecosystem that enables EVs to flourish and benefits related industries. So, what should be considered to create a functioning ecosystem for EVs?
The webinar on the topic of "The Future of Electric Vehicles – EV Ecosystem and future technology in Nordic countries and opportunities for EV-related industries in Thailand", co-hosted by the Royal Thai Embassies in Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo, and Helsinki, the Thailand Board of Investment, and the Thailand-Nordic Countries Innovation Unit (TNIU), will open dialogue and explore solutions.
The webinar will be hosted via Zoom on Monday 22nd of August, at
Sweden/Denmark/Norway - 10.00 – 111.30 hrs.
Finland - 11.00 – 12.30 hrs.
Thailand - 15.00 – 16.30 hrs.
Link for the background paper to this webinar, with full details of the schedules,>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WlcFkd4UeJiYRQyzSd_RpsMozmI9n_z3/view
Link to register for the webinar >> https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/4016607364623/WN_nIlSURr6RcSgPAGD0qttlg