POLICE are still yet to formally identify a body found at the scene of a tragic house fire at Teralba that has claimed the life of at least one person.
The whereabouts of a second person believed to have been at the home at the time is still unknown.
Officers made the grisly discovery during an initial search of the Railway Street townhouse overnight and called in the State Crime Command's Arson Unit to investigate the incident.
On Friday afternoon, detectives and Lake Macquarie Police District officers combed the scene for clues, in an effort to find the cause of the blaze that engulfed the property in the early hours of Thursday morning.
One detective appeared to be carrying a jerry can from the scene, but it is not confirmed whether it is linked to the fire.
A NSW Police spokesman said the body was discovered after an initial search of the unit overnight.
"Structural assessments continue to be made on the unit to ensure the structure is sound before the search can continue," he said.
The cause of the fire is still unknown.

The Newcastle Herald understands Dudley resident Patricia Kerr was one of two women inside the house around the time of the fire.
Ms Kerr was visiting a friend at the address, and her son Jason Kuyltjes told the Herald on Thursday that it could be days before they know whether their mother escaped the blaze.
Mr Kuyltjes said his mother's phone and car were found at the scene.
About 50 firefighters rushed to the home after emergency services received multiple calls about the blaze just before 4.15am on Thursday.
When they arrived, the two-storey townhouse had already suffered extensive damage and firefighters quickly jumped into action, some battling the blaze while others rushed into the burning building in a search and rescue effort.
Fire and Rescue NSW Acting Superintendent Mathew Sigmund told the Herald on Thursday that when crews arrived at the property they were confronted by "extreme fire".
"They did get up to level two, but unfortunately due to internal structural collapse they had to withdraw," he said.
An adjoining townhouse was also damaged by the blaze, but a NSW Police spokesman confirmed all other impacted residents had been safely evacuated.