
Outdoor gear has gone from braving the outdoors to exploring collaborations. Streetwear boutique Bodega has partnered with Salomon, a brand best known for its hiking shoes, to refresh its X-Mission 4 silhouette. Dubbed “Full Bleed,” the sneaker boasts a nylon ripstop upper featuring a tie-dye treatment that makes every pair unique.
According to Bodega, the design fuses Salomon’s passion for outdoor exploration with the boutique’s own devotion to making purposeful footwear. “Our passion for outdoor sports, new technologies, and craftsmanship has driven us — and still does — to create progressive gear to enable you to freely enjoy and challenge yourself in the great outdoors,” Bodega wrote on its website. Like many of its previous collaborations, the boutique’s creation with Salomon is meant to be worn and enjoyed, not displayed on a shelf.
A practical pick-up —
That said, the “Full Bleed” sneaker offers a compelling design for everyday wear. A “Stormy Sky” tie-dye treatment decorates its nylon ripstop upper, giving the shoes a black and purple stone-washed look. Pops of pink, blue, and green contrast the dark upper alongside a bright yellow tongue, offering a retro feel to the ‘90s-inspired X-Mission 4. Reflective 3M fabric finishes off the look, with co-branding appearing at the tongue and rear of the silhouette.

Described by Bodega as a “wearable ecosystem for the feet,” the shoes are held in place by Salomon’s Quicklace, which allows for a convenient and adjustable fit. Contagrip tooling adds all-terrain traction to the sneakers — ensuring each step is confident whether you’re walking on pavement or boulders — as OrthoLite insoles provide cushioning and breathability with molds matching the contours of your feet.
Get in on this grail —
Function is fashion, as Bodega continues to prove. Its previous collaboration with Hoka One One featured a recovery slide and a running sneaker decked out in Gore-Tex, silhouettes that might align more with athletes than the boutique’s typical hypebeast audience. The same could be said for Bodega’s team-up with Salomon — but all types of shoppers are getting in on the outdoor gear trend.
As consumers are realizing, practicality doesn’t have to be limited to the outdoors (and it shouldn’t be, especially when Bodega makes it look so good). The boutique’s “wearable ecosystem for the feet” debuts at 12 p.m. ET on July 29, when pairs of the X-Mission 4 will be up for grabs on Bodega’s website.
