After all these years, Bo Jackson still knows what he wants and doesn’t want. And he has no desire for his grandkids to ever play tackle football.
In an interview with Tony Anderson on USA Today’s weekly show Sports Seriously, the legendary dual sport athlete made it clear he doesn’t want his grandson playing football, despite predicting that he will grow to be ‘6’6’ one day (He’s 18 months old right now).
“He ain’t playing no football, no sir, he ain’t playing football,” said Jackson to Sports Seriously.
When pressed on the matter Jackson had a blunt response:
“He doesn’t have to.”
Jackson was asked which of his sports has a brighter future and believes, despite what popularity and television ratings suggest, it’s baseball that has better days ahead. “Both have grown exponentially, [but] I would say baseball because of the salaries and all the rights. It has to be baseball.”
Jackson says he “wouldn’t change a thing” in regards to his decision to play both sports in his prime and offered up the two sports he thinks his grandson will play down the road with a lofty projection.
“Baseball or golf, Aaron Judge No. 2.”
You can watch the full Sports Seriously interview here: