It's a surprisingly divisive question: how do you play pass the parcel?
The simple game in which a parcel is passed around and around until the music stops has proven to be not so straightforward thanks to an episode of Australian children's cartoon Bluey.
In the episode, the character Lucky's dad Pat is outraged when he finds out that there's a present in every layer and he needs to time the music to stop on every child once.
When it's time for his kid's party, he decides to play it the "proper way" with one big present in the middle.
"We're raising a nation of squibs," Pat says.
Getting the kids to accept "Lucky's dad's rules" isn't easy at first — there's a few tears and tantrums, and Pat tries to soothe crying children by giving them cash.
But eventually as each birthday party passes, the children and parents are more accepting of the sole big prize in the middle.
As one mum Chilli says to her daughter Bingo, who keeps missing out but learns to enjoy her friend's winning: "I think you're getting quite good at losing".
The Pass the Parcel episode has sparked debate amongst parents across the country as to the "right way" to play the game.
Some feel vindicated by Lucky's dad's rules, while others prefer to give every kid a chance to win because, as another dad Bandit puts it, "this isn't the '80s".
'Another thing for parents to feel guilty about'
So, it this a generational divide?
Dr Areana Eivers, senior lecturer for the School of Psychology and Counselling at QUT, warns against comparing parenting techniques from different generations.
"Every generation has to be careful with saying 'I think things were better', or 'parenting was better back in the day'," she said.
"The truth is it was possibly different. But they're also probably very different sorts of social contexts and pressures and circumstances.
"I think we're always there to try to do the best we can as we roll along, right?"
Games design expert Dr Tom Penney from RMIT University says the divisiveness of the game pass the parcel might speak to people having different or larger aims for what they want children to experience from it.
"In children's games and identity play games, the game world becomes a simulation of some of the elements of life we would like them to overcome or feel empowerment over," Dr Penney said.
"Do they want them to try to appreciate the experience for the pure fun of getting together and being happy for their friends to get something even if it's random?"
Dr Eivers said children have many opportunities to learn about life skills, and we shouldn't put too much pressure on a birthday game.
"I wouldn't be wanting to put too much heavy weight on children's games played at birthday parties because I don't think it's worth having another thing for parents to feel guilty about it," Dr Eivers said.
She said there was no correct way to play pass the parcel and playing it differently could teach children about "accepting diversity".
"I don't think it's a terrible thing for children to learn early on that different households do things different, "she said.
"There are different ways of doing things. And that's okay."
If a child gets upset because they don't get a prize, Dr Eivers said parents should not "brush" over their child’s emotions but not let their disappointment spoil the fun at the party.
"It's really about talking, accepting the child's disappointment, accepting that the child at that point in time might be sad or angry or confused or not understanding and recognising that disappointment is hard."
As for the parents designing the game, Dr Penney said they might consider whether to offer many small rewards to give everyone participating a sense of achievement rather than just one person.
"This would help as many people as possible feel included and to maintain a positive energy for the children throughout the experience," he said.