Even if there are a few clouds in the forecast, Blue Sky Dating provides a welcome ray of sunshine in our romantic lives.
Sure, 2023 dating trends might've seemed a bit daunting at first—the thought of infla-dating felt discouraging and OnlyPlans left us frustrated—but now that the warm weather is creeping in, the flowers are coming back to life and so is our thirst for connection.
So what is this new dating phenomenon, exactly? Allow the pros to break it all down. Word to the wise: find your Hailey Bieber sunglasses. There isn't a cloud in the sky!
What is 'Blue Sky Dating'?
According to the experts at the dating app Badoo, Blue Sky Dating is about embracing a positive mindset in your dating life as the new season begins. Think of it as a spring clean of sorts—Main Character Energy with a warm-weather twist.
"Out with the old, in with the new, and Blue Sky Dating is a great way to go about it," says Remy Le Fèvre, global head of brand engagement and influence at Badoo. "Embrace that mood boost we all get when the sun comes out, and harness that energy into your outlook on dating!”
Likewise, dating and relationship coach Persia Lawson implores us to soak up that vitamin D.
"As the nights get shorter and the days longer, nature is quite literally bringing more light into our lives, which is hugely beneficial when it comes to romance, given that exposure to sunlight increases the brain’s release of the happy hormone, serotonin," she says in a Badoo press release.
What were the findings of the Blue Sky Dating research?
According to the experts at Badoo, nearly three-quarters (74%) of single Brits say the lighter evenings and the weather improvement make them feel more positive about dating, and a little over a third of respondents (36%) have conducted more fulfilling chats as a result. Additionally, hopeful romantics enjoy the extra options for dates in spring (45%), and find dating so much easier than during other seasons (42%).
(Outdoor date ideas, anyone?)

How to embrace Blue Sky Dating, according to an expert
While at times remaining positive can be a challenge, Lawson provides some insight on making the process a whole lot easier. (Be sure to also check out our expert-backed online dating tips for additional insight.)
1. Be proactive
The only way that this will work is if you're honest with yourself: what's working in your dating life, and what needs to be tweaked?
"Assess how your romantic dynamics have been making you feel. From there, take action accordingly," Lawson says. "Taking bold and decisive action frees up mental and emotional space to start investing more time and energy into dating dynamics that feel respectful and reciprocal."
2. Break the cycle
Look, we've all encountered a few bad habits along the way: incessantly texting a serial ghoster, settling for less than we're worth, etc. Now is the time to begin anew and try out a more favorable approach when it comes to dating.
"Write down what qualities and attributes you want to attract and how you’d like a romantic relationship to feel," Lawson recommends.
Visualizing might put you a step closer to what you're looking for.
3. Keep positive
There are going to be challenges along the way, unfortunately, but think of the roadblocks as the route you need to take to find your person.
'Remember that, if someone behaves badly, they’ve actually done you a favor because they have essentially disqualified themselves as a worthy (potential) partner and saved you time and energy," Lawson reminds us.
Put on your shades, folks! Blue Sky Dating has arrived.