A trio of great white sharks have been spotted tearing apart a floating whale carcass.
The deceased humpback whale was an easy target for the predators who located the massive mammal off the coast of Nantucket, Massachusetts, on Wednesday, reported the Daily Star.
The whale was like the "biggest smorgasbord" for a shark, said Peter Corkeron at the Kraus Marine Mammal Conservation Program of the Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life.
An adult humpback can weigh around 40 tonnes - far more meat than a fully grown great white would consume each year, which amounts to roughly 12 tonnes.

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On Tuesday NOAA Fisheries New England/Mid-Atlantic updated followers on a call out it had with Marine Mammal Alliance Nantucket to a decomposing 40ft long whale.
The US Coast Guard was also deployed to assist with gathering data about the mystery death.

The NOAA wrote: "Although these are always sad occasions, it is important to learn as much about each death as we can so that we can better understand the whales in our area.
"There is an ongoing unusual mortality event (UME) in effect for humpback whales along the Atlantic coast. At this point, we don’t have a single cause for these deaths, though some have been hit by vessels."
Another great white was spotted on off the coast of Nantucket on Monday when a seal was mauled just off Great Point.