Blizzard is apologizing for the many Overwatch 2 bugs that plagued the game at launch with a free Reaper skin and some Double XP weekends. These bugs included a broken Torbjorn, missing Waypoint Packs after players bought them, and long queue times caused in part by an extended DDoS attack on the Overwatch 2 servers, among several others.
Blizzard announced the free reward and upcoming events in a new blog post and said that, while most issues have been resolved, the development team is still working on stabilizing the game. Another patch is set to go live sometime before Oct. 14, 2022.
“Launching Overwatch 2 as a live service comes with amazing opportunities and challenges, both anticipated and unexpected. We’ve largely stabilized the game overall, and we’ve made a lot of progress in fixing or improving issues some of you are facing,” the publisher said in the post. We’re committed to consistently investigating issues as they arise, working quickly towards fixes, and being transparent with our community on the status of Overwatch 2.”

Anyone who logs into Overwatch 2 from Oct. 25, 2022, through Dec. 6, 2022, which is the end of the game’s first season, will automatically have the legendary new Reaper skin called Cursed Captain Reaper added to their account, along with a health pack weapon charm.
The Double XP weekends don’t have a set date yet, but will surely be handy for anyone trying to grind through the battle pass and unlock this season’s new character.
Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF