Blizzard won’t make any changes to Overwatch 2 balance for the next several months, the development team announced in a new blog post. While most online competitive games need changes to keep certain characters from outperforming others, Blizzard said the team is happy with the way Overwatch 2’s heroes are performing for now.
“While some heroes are performing better than others, and there are differences across player skill levels, we have been happy to see that no hero’s overall power level is far out of line with our goals,” Blizzard said in the post. “Every hero on the roster has a win-rate between 45% and 55%.”
That said, Blizzard is making a slight adjustment to Zarya in Total Mayhem in an Oct. 25, 2022, patch.
As for who’s performing the best, Blizzard said the answer isn’t D.Va, despite what many players think. While the mech pilot can hold her own in combat more effectively than she could during the beta, Reinhardt, Sigma, and Zarya are currently the top-performing tanks.
Kiriko is one of the most popular support characters, while Genji, Sombra, and Sojourn reign supreme among DPS heroes. On a more surprising note, Blizzard said Symmetra – frequently ignored in the beta and placed at the bottom of most tier lists – is gradually becoming more popular.
Any changes made to how heroes perform on the battlefield will happen once Overwatch 2’s second season kicks off in December.
Meanwhile, keep an eye out for your free apology Reaper skin coming up later in October, with some DoubleXP weekends planned for soon after.
Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF