The first Overwatch 2 battle pass and skins didn’t go over quite as well as Blizzard hoped, the development team said in a new blog post, and they plan on fixing it in season two and beyond. The main issues Blizzard wants to address center on cosmetics and rewards, or more specifically, the lack of them, along with a progression system fans were unhappy with.
“I think a good place to start is saying that we aren’t completely satisfied with how everything feels right now,” Blizzard said in the blog post. “We want you to feel more rewarded just for sitting down and playing. We want you to have new accomplishments to chase outside of your Competitive Rank and Battle Pass level. When you finish a session, we want you to feel good about the time you just spent in the game.”
To that end, Overwatch 2 season 2 will include a unique skin you can earn in each of the season’s event alongside the other earnable cosmetics and new Twitch drops. Season 3 will include “more Battle Pass changes,” along with extra and “more interesting” challenges and overhauled progression. Whether that means you’ll still have to pay or wait until tier 50 to unlock the new tank Ramattra and any other new heroes, Blizzard didn’t say.
Other changes include tweaks to support heroes so they’re more fun to play, in an effort to cut down queue times for tank and DPS heroes. That’s in addition to yet more balance changes planned for season 2, in addition to the recent round of changes that nerfed D.Va and Zarya.
Blizzard will expand on these changes and the new skins sometime before season 2 goes live in December.
Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF