A DIY army of good samaritans have built a dream garden for a blind woman who was ripped off for £6,500 by a rogue builder.
Lisa Potter, 49, was left feeling swindled after she tried to get a garden for her guide dog to be safe.
But after forking over £6,500 for new decking, a patio and fencing she was left with piles of building debris, gaps in her fence and steps without handrails.
Devastated Lisa, from New Inn, Pontypool, South Wales, issued a plea for help when she was left feeling "taken advantage of" by the rogue builder.
Three companies came to the rescue, volunteering their time to treat Lisa to a garden makeover.

She said: "I will be forever grateful for what they have managed to salvage from my garden and to them for coming to my rescue at a stressful time. I had lost confidence.
"Not only did they construct the decking in a way that was safe and easy for me to get up to my garden, but they also made the rest of the garden a usable and safe place for me, my dog and my family to use.
"They've also done an amazing job on the fence, so it will last now for many years to come."
Construction firm OTL Group, Housing experts The Edenstone Group, and Dragon Taxis all met to discuss how to help Lisa.
They laid new decking, re-turfed the lawn, added raised planters and installed a handrail and new gates.
The work has now been completed just in time for Lisa to enjoy her garden for the spring months.

Jack Price, from Dragon Taxis said: "We were really disappointed to hear about Lisa's garden makeover experience.
"We are always keen to give back to our local communities and to hear how happy she is now is great.
"Edenstone and OTL offered their expert workmanship and have done such a good job.
"We were happy to contribute to the costs of transforming the garden so that Lisa would not be further out of pocket."
Nick Barrett, operations manager at Ashgrove Partnerships, part of the Edenstone Group, said: "We are all delighted that Lisa is so happy with the outcome.
"As well as repairing the existing garden fence, we installed a new one to the top of the garden and levelled and re-turfed the rear garden.
"The decking is now much safer and more accessible, with a new handrail and a ramp to the garden replacing the previous fixtures and steps. This means that Lisa can enjoy the outdoors, whenever she wants.
"To complete her garden makeover, we cleared the lower level of the garden and gave the whole area a facelift with a new raised planter, Cotswold stone and a new side gate."