Maddy on Jessie

What were you hoping for?
A fun evening, a good story and not to be embarrassingly bad on a date reported in a national newspaper.
First impressions?
Pretty, warm, bubbly.
What did you talk about?
Best fancy dress costumes. Favourite stories from this column. The best way to eat Colin the Caterpillar. The royal family. Charity shop finds. Cities we’ve lived in. Best friends. Crumble.
Any awkward moments?
Maybe one, when I was sad there was no cheese platter for dessert.
Good table manners?
I didn’t notice anything. I ate chips with my hands: she didn’t appear to mind.
Best thing about Jessie?
She’s clearly a people person. I was also very envious of her jewellery.
Would you introduce Jessie to your friends?
For sure, they’d get on well.
Describe Jessie in three words.
Fun, warm, spontaneous.
What do you think Jessie made of you?
Hopefully warm and kind, but we agreed we were on best behaviour. We were the last people in the place, so I don’t think it was just the meal and cocktails keeping us there!
Did you go on somewhere?
Sadly not, as we both had work the next morning. Otherwise, we said we’d have headed to Soho for more cocktails.
And ... did you kiss?
Just a hug, but we swapped numbers and a promise to go out again.
If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?
To wear looser trousers so I could enjoy more of the amazing food.
Marks out of 10?
I’m going to go for 8 (awkward if she gives me a three now!
Would you meet again?
Absolutely. We swapped numbers and agreed to go on a night out where we could relax a bit more.

Jessie on Maddy

What were you hoping for?
To meet someone new and interesting. Romance would be a bonus.
First impressions?
Vibrant, warm and friendly. And impressively blue hair.
What did you talk about?
How to go appropriately overboard on a fancy dress theme. The perils of having an expressive face in photos. Her disdain for gelatinous foods.
Any awkward moments?
Not from my viewpoint.
Good table manners?
Very much so.
Best thing about Maddy?
Really good dynamic conversation and enthusiasm for all topics. I really want to go to one of her fancy dress parties – all the ideas are wasted otherwise!
Would you introduce Maddy to your friends?
Yeah, I reckon she could hold her own.
Describe Maddy in three words.
Vibrant, chatty, friendly.
What do you think Maddy made of you?
That I’m loud, but everyone always thinks that. I think we got on well. We stayed until they kicked us out, so that’s got to be a good sign.
Did you go on somewhere?
Nope ... I had work very, very early the next morning.
And ... did you kiss?
Just a hug.
If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?
Not having work the next day: we’d have gone for a dance and a margarita.
Marks out of 10?
Nine. It was a lovely night, good food and cocktails.
Would you meet again?
Yeah, for sure. As I said, we need the tequila and dance part of the evening.
Jessie and Maddy ate at the Chelsea Pig, London SW3. Fancy a blind date? Email blind.date@theguardian.com