Tyla on Toby

What were you hoping for?
Someone who I wouldn’t need to prise their life story out of, with a bit of fire in their belly.
First impressions?
Very polite and cool as a cucumber.
What did you talk about?
How well dressed he was. Hot yoga. Decent kebab vans. Houseshares. People-watching. Launderette stories. Boats.
Most awkward moment?
When I told him I didn’t eat meat while sitting in a steakhouse (although there were veggie options).
Good table manners?
Yes. We shared the starter – how romantic.
Best thing about Toby?
The conversation was very balanced, no awkward voids to fill, and he was quite inquisitive. Sometimes with dates it’s like squeezing blood out of a stone.
Would you introduce Toby to your friends?
Describe Toby in three words.
Thoughtful, kind, salt of the earth.
What do you think Toby made of you?
That I was boat mad.
Did you go on somewhere?
Yes, to a pub.
And … did you kiss?
Yes just a lickle one.
If you could change one thing about the evening what would it be?
Everywhere was closing so we had to just take any pub we could get.
Marks out of 10?
Would you meet again?
Yes, Toby was a good date.

Toby on Tyla

What were you hoping for?
Someone who’d studied the menu and was up for sharing either the tomahawk or porterhouse.
First impressions?
She looked great and instantly made me feel at ease.
What did you talk about?
Living on a boat – I had a million questions that I managed to slip in during the course of the evening.
Most awkward moment?
Discovering Tyla is a vegetarian while we were in a steakhouse.
Good table manners?
I didn’t notice, which is a positive.
Best thing about Tyla?
She’s fun to hang out with and a good conversationalist.
Would you introduce Tyla to your friends?
She’d get on with anyone.
Describe Tyla in three words.
Attractive, engaging, interesting.
What do you think Tyla made of you?
Overall positive. At one point she said I looked like Paul Mescal but I think that was the cocktails talking.
Did you go on somewhere?
After schlepping across London, we found a place for a few Guinnesses.
And ... did you kiss?
If you could change one thing about the evening what would it be?
My trousers. I managed to rip them cycling to the restaurant.
Marks out of 10
Would you meet again?
I’d definitely like to see her again, and check out her houseboat at some point.
Tyla and Toby ate at SK Steakhouse, London SW1. Fancy a blind date? Email blind.date@theguardian.com