Katy on Nick
What were you hoping for?
A lovely dinner and a good chat with someone new, and to experience the craziness of having a very public blind date.
First impressions?
Friendly, open, attractive, smiley.
What did you talk about?
Bears, brown and polar, and how to avoid being eaten by them. Tattoos. Walking speed relative to Google Maps predictions. We both started a lot of topics with “don’t tell anyone this but …”
Most awkward moment?
I don’t remember any.
Good table manners?
Perfect. Unlike mine! We shared two starters and he gave me the bigger half of both.
Best thing about Nick?
So easy to talk to and a lovely, very genuine guy. A breath of fresh air.
Would you introduce Nick to your friends?
Absolutely. There’s nothing not to like.
Describe Nick in three words.
Considerate, smart and easy-going.
What do you think Nick made of you?
I really don’t know. Probably includes that I’m a slow walker and fussy/bossy about selfies.
Did you go on somewhere?
The pub we went to was a bit in the middle of nowhere, but we walked back together until our paths diverged.
And … did you kiss?
No, but we hugged. The fact that we would have either had to declare that kiss publicly in the paper or pretend we hadn’t was also a bit off-putting.
If you could change one thing about the evening what would it be?
Maybe a little more spark between us.
Marks out of 10?
Feels so wrong to rate people. So, rating the date, not the person, I would say 8.
Would you meet again?
Sure, as friends. I don’t think we were each other’s type, but who knows?
Nick on Katy
What were you hoping for?
To get to know someone interesting – and I did.
First impressions?
Good hug. Well dressed without trying too hard. Nice, open, friendly smile.
What did you talk about?
Adventures: Katy has trekked in the Congo, and I’m looking forward to hearing about how her upcoming Arctic wild camping trip goes. Festivals, music, we had quite a lot in common there – Glastonbury stories. Mischief and whatnot. We talked about working in Africa a bit. Katy does amazing work with refugees and trauma.
Most awkward moment?
When we saw our selfies, she said: “You’re not photogenic.” OK, I guess the camera never lies!
Good table manners?
Katy’s parents can be proud.
Best thing about Katy?
She’s an appreciative listener, which I really value.
Would you introduce Katy to your friends?
For sure.
Describe Katy in three words.
Adventurous, caring and active.
What do you think Katy made of you?
I’d hope she thought I was interesting, fun and a bit different.
Did you go on somewhere?
We walked down the road a bit, but on our ways home. Sorry, no juicy gossip.
And … did you kiss?
Hugs, yes. Kiss, no. Katy is a good hugger, none of this air-hug, spongy blancmange stuff.
If you could change one thing about the evening what would it be?
A bit of romantic flirting chemistry.
Marks out of 10?
Would you meet again?
Sure, it would be nice to hear and make more stories.
Katy and Nick ate at the Bull and Last, London NW5. Fancy a blind date? Email blind.date@theguardian.com