Divya on Kishan

What were you hoping for?
True love … or at least a good dating story for my friends.
First impressions?
Smart, well read (he was reading a book when I came in), nice.
What did you talk about?
Where we live/grew up. Our Indian roots. Lord of the Rings. Standup comedy. Our worst travel experiences.
Most awkward moment?
When I tried to get some of the fries we were sharing on to my plate and they dropped unceremoniously off my fork.
Good table manners?
Well, we were eating loaded fried-chicken burgers and fries, so considering that, yeah, definitely.
Best thing about Kishan?
He was really friendly and easy to speak to.
Would you introduce Kishan to your friends?
Yeah, he’d get on with them.
Describe Kishan in three words.
Nice, funny and easygoing.
What do you think Kishan made of you?
Only good things, I hope!
Did you go on somewhere?
No, I think we were both exhausted after a long day of work, and we both had work again the next day.
And … did you kiss?
Nope, just a hug before we left.
If you could change one thing about the evening what would it be?
The food was amazing but a bit messy – it was definitely more of a fourth- or fifth-date kind of menu.
Marks out of 10?
It was a good first date is all I’ll say.
Would you meet again?

Kishan on Divya

What were you hoping for?
Someone fun and interesting.
First impressions?
Easygoing and sweet. She made the night very relaxing.
What did you talk about?
Travel stories. Our favourite TV shows … we ended up quoting scenes from Modern Family to each other.
Most awkward moment?
The burgers – not the most graceful of meals to eat on a first date.
Good table manners?
Like I said, messy burger, so in that context I didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary.
Best thing about Divya?
Her confidence: she knows what she wants.
Would you introduce Divya to your friends?
Yeah, I’m sure she’d get on well with them.
Describe Divya in three words.
Fun, confident and sweet.
What do you think Divya made of you?
I hope I came across as interesting and funny.
Did you go on somewhere?
No, it was a weeknight.
And … did you kiss?
Only pecks on the cheek.
If you could change one thing about the evening what would it be?
I wish it hadn’t been a school night, so we could have stayed longer.
Marks out of 10?
I’m not going to use numbers.
Would you meet again?
We’ve exchanged phone numbers, so let’s see what happens.
Divya and Kishan ate at Valderrama’s, London N1. Fancy a blind date? Email blind.date@theguardian.com