Shelagh on Tony
What were you hoping for?
Not marriage and babies! A night out with a new friend, a great meal – and the possibility of further meet-ups.
First impressions?
He looked as if he’d had his hair cut for our date – that was nice.
What did you talk about?
Family. Travel. Books. Sex scenes in films. Music (we both saw the Rolling Stones at Twickenham last time they were there). Food. Involvement in far-left groups as students.
Most awkward moment?
When Tony said he liked Keir Starmer I avoided responding, but apart from that our politics were pretty aligned.
Good table manners?
Impeccable. The food was wonderful.
Best thing about Tony?
He’s had an interesting life and met many interesting, and famous, people.
Would you introduce Tony to your friends?
Describe Tony in three words.
Cosmopolitan, relaxed, caring.
What do you think Tony made of you?
I hope he found me as entertaining as I did him.
Did you go on somewhere?
We were getting trains from the same station so shared a taxi there and had a drink in the pub.
And ... did you kiss?
A peck on the cheek while we took our selfie – and a hug and kiss goodbye.
If you could change one thing about the evening what would it be?
We should have asked someone to take our photo – we’re both inept at selfies, as will be evident.
Marks out of 10?
A solid 9.
Would you meet again?
We swapped numbers and email addresses, so why not?

Tony on Shelagh
What were you hoping for?
To meet a new best friend.
First impressions?
Lovely. When Shelagh arrived she looked composed, despite being a little bit late
What did you talk about?
I’d been told Shelagh’s favourite band was Echo and the Bunnymen, so I’d visited the British Film Institute to look for a particular DVD with an Echo and the Bunnymen soundtrack.
Most awkward moment?
I ordered a cake on top of dessert. Maybe a piece of food too many.
Good table manners?
Best thing about Shelagh?
Her honesty. We talked about our previous marriages and where we had both failed our ex-partners.
Would you introduce Shelagh to your friends?
Most of my close friends have similar views on politics and climate change. Shelagh would certainly get on with them.
Describe Shelagh in three words?
Sincere, open, direct.
What do you think Shelagh made of you?
Hopefully she viewed me as a new friend.
Did you go on somewhere?
Yes, to a bar in the train station.
And ... did you kiss?
A gentle peck on the cheek.
If you could change one thing about the evening what would it be?
I would not have eaten that cake.
Marks out of 10?
Would you meet again?
Tony and Shelagh ate at Meat the Fish, SW3. Fancy a blind date? Email blind.date@theguardian.com