An acrobat plunged to the floor in front of horrified families after falling on stage during a live Blackpool Tower Circus show. Performers were taking part in a ‘Wheel of Death’ act at a show on Wednesday afternoon (May 25) when one of the acrobats fell.
Audience members have praised circus staff and tower manager for their "absolutely amazing and completely calm" response.
Paramedics and community first responders rushed to the scene following the incident. Blackpool Tower Circus said the performer was "fully responsive". They were later taken to hospital by North West Ambulance Service and were reported to have only suffered "minor injuries".
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Show bosses said the incident will not impact future shows and they will "continue as planned", reports Lancs Live. One attendee at the circus show on Wednesday posted on social media to praise the circus for looking after the performer ‘like they were family’.
Posting on the Blackpool Shows and Attractions Facebook page, the person said: "My husband was first on scene as a community first responder after this unfortunate event. The whole staff of the tower management and the other performers were absolutely amazing and completely calm which help the whole outcome of this unfortunate event.
“The response time from north west ambulance was phenomenal and was there within seconds of my husbands arrival to fully assess and transport patient to hospital. Well done to all the staff at the circus they looked after their performer like they was their own family.”

Another attendee said: "We were in the audience today and unfortunately witnessed this. I was so grateful for the email from Blackpool Tower confirming what has been posted here as we were worried about the performer. I’ve got to say how well the tower staff and performers reacted to this incident and how it was handled getting everybody out of the circus to be able to treat the performer in private. Hoping he makes a speedy recovery."
In a statement, Blackpool Tower Circus said: "We can confirm there was an unfortunate accident during this afternoon's performance of the Tower Circus, involving a member of the Gerling Troupe. Sadly the troupe member suffered a fall during the Wheel Of Death act. Paramedics attended the scene and we are pleased to confirm the performer is fully responsive and being treated for minor injuries. Blackpool Tower Circus performances will continue as planned."