The return of Sheffield’s Black Spiders in 2020 should really have been met with mass celebration, champagne corks popping (or at least a few lager cans cracking open) and whoops of delight throughout the land, because during their initial decade-long run they proved themselves to be one of the most reliably fun bands on the UK live circuit.
Wasting none of the momentum of their self-titled comeback album a couple of years ago, Can’t Die, Won’t Die is an effervescent love letter to rock’n’roll at its most joyous and uncomplicated.
There’s a cheeky nod to Faith No More’s Be Aggressive on Destroyer, and an outbreak of shimmering, T.Rex-perfumed glam rock on Make Me Bleed – tasty Easter eggs hidden in among starbursts of gleaming, old-school metal riffs and timeless, feel-good hard rock attitude, tongue-in-cheek humour and a sense of togetherness that brings the boundless energy of their live shows right into the heart of the home.
This is just the shot of positivity we’re all crying out for.