A male walker in Colorado sustained minor injuries when a black bear swiped at him from behind, knocking him to the ground.
The man was on a morning walk Tuesday morning when the encounter occurred on a path connecting Walton Creek Road and Mt. Werner Circle in Steamboat Springs near the ski resort, Colorado Parks and Wildlife reported Wednesday.
The man, who had noticed a yearling cub in the area before the attack, received scrapes to his arm from falling. He finished his walk before seeking first aid. He notified CPW of the attack around 9:45 a.m.

“Local wildlife officers have set up bear traps and placed signage to notify those walking the trail of increased bear activity,” the CPW stated. “As of Wednesday morning, no bears have been caught in the traps.
“This is still an ongoing investigation.”
Rachael Gonzales, CPW northwest region public information officer, told the Craig Daily Press that residents and visitors to Steamboat Springs need to practice good “living in bear country” principles.
“If you see a bear, don’t run,” Gonzales said. “Stand still, stay calm and slowly back away until the bear is out of sight. If you see cubs, their mother is usually close by. Leave the area immediately to give them space.
“As cool as it is to get these videos and photos, it’s not worth it. Make noise. Don’t panic. Being alert, keeping your dog on a leash and knowing what to do if you encounter a bear is important.”
Generic photos of a black bear with cub and a black bear courtesy of Mass.gov and Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department.