The BJP’s income fell by almost 80% in 2020-2021 from the previous financial year, when the 2019 Lok Sabha election was held, according to the party’s annual audit report submitted to the Election Commission (EC).
The report, which was submitted on May 21 and published by the EC on Friday, showed that the BJP earned ₹752.33 crore in 2020-2021, down from ₹3,623.28 crore in 2019-2020. Voluntary contributions accounted for ₹577.97 crore of the income, while income from electoral bonds was ₹22.38 crore. In 2019-2020, electoral bonds had been the largest source of income for the BJP with a contribution of ₹2,555 crore.
Expenses, too, decreased in 2020-2021, with the party spending a total of ₹620.39 crore, as opposed to ₹1,651.02 crore in 2019-2020. Election expenses accounted for most of the spending (₹421.01 crore). With the pandemic starting in 2020, campaigning for elections was curtailed.
The BJP remained the party with the highest income, with the Congress declaring ₹285.76 crore in income in 2020-2021, according to its report published by the EC in April.