The Bharatiya Janata Party received contributions of over ₹477.5 crore in financial year 2020-21, and the Congress over ₹74.50 crore, just 15% of the funds received by the ruling party.
According to the contribution reports of the two parties put in public domain by the Election Commission of India (ECI)on May 31, the BJP received ₹4,77,54,50,077 from various entities, electoral trusts and individuals.
The party had filed the contribution report for FY 2020-21 before the poll panel on March 14 this year.
According to the contribution report of the Congress, it received ₹74,50,49,731 from various entities and individuals.
Parties have to file report of contributions to the EC received in excess of ₹20,000 as per provisions of the election law.
The BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) ousted Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) from power at the Centre in 2014.