On Sunday, a tragic incident unfolded at Muan International Airport in South Korea as a Jeju Air flight from Bangkok crash-landed, resulting in a devastating loss of life. The head of the Muan Fire Department, Lee Jeong-hyun, indicated that a bird strike or adverse weather conditions may have played a role in the crash, with further investigations underway to determine the exact cause.
Despite clear blue skies captured in footage of the airport on the morning of the crash, the aircraft experienced difficulties during landing, leading to a landing gear malfunction and subsequent fire. The harrowing scene of the plane sliding on its belly before erupting in flames has left a lasting impact on all involved.
The flight, identified as 7C 2216, was carrying a total of 181 individuals, including 175 passengers and six crew members. Tragically, 85 individuals have been confirmed deceased, with only two crew members surviving the crash and receiving medical attention. Emergency services have expressed grim expectations regarding the fate of the remaining passengers.
This devastating event serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers faced in aviation, highlighting the critical importance of safety measures and thorough investigations to prevent such tragedies in the future. Our thoughts and condolences go out to all those affected by this heartbreaking incident.