Bird flu has been confirmed at Rathlin Island - which is home to one of the most important seabird colonies in the British Isles.
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs reported positive test results for Avian Influenza in three parts of Northern Ireland on Friday. It is unclear at this stage how many birds have been tested.
DAERA says birds that had bird flu have been found dead in Bangor, Lough Erne and Rathlin Island since the beginning of June, when bird flu restrictions from the previous outbreak were lifted.
Read more: Watch: Behind the scenes with Rathlin Islanders helping endangered puffins
We understand no cases have been confirmed among flocks at Rathlin Island’s RSPB NI nature reserve, which welcomes hundreds of puffins and other declining species each year but the charity says there are some suspected cases.
Bird flu last took hold in Northern Ireland before Christmas, resulting in major commercial flock culls and the confirmed deaths of dozens of swans and other wild birds at a number of parks.
Minister Poots lifted the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone and the ban on poultry gatherings put in place as a result on June 1, 2022.

He said at the time: “This season of Avian Influenza has been the worst ever outbreak in Northern Ireland and across Great Britain. Thanks to the determined efforts from the poultry sector in Northern Ireland to protect their flocks and minimise the impact of disease, we are now in a position to lift the AIPZ and reduce all mandatory restrictions placed on bird keepers as well as allow poultry gatherings from 1 June.
“I’m sure this will be welcome news for the sector which contributes greatly to our economy and wider society.”
While mandatory restrictions were lifted on June 1, it was advised that bird keepers should still follow biosecurity requirements set out for the AIPZ.
Anyone who discovers a sick or dying bird following the latest confirmed cases is advised not to touch, or pick them up. People are also advised to keep pets away from them.
Human infections with Avian Influenza are rare as the disease is primarily one of birds; and that the risk to the general public’s health is very low according to the Public Health Agency.
But touching dead or injured birds can spread the virus to other seabird colonies or poultry flocks.

A DAERA spokesperson said: “Where dead wild birds are not required for surveillance purposes, it is the landowner’s responsibility to safely dispose of the carcasses.
“The Department is working closely with all stakeholders including the Public Health Agency and local councils in relation to this matter and has taken proactive measures to improve biosecurity at seabird breeding colonies.
“Following these confirmations in wild birds the Department is also stressing the need for all flock keepers to take action to improve biosecurity in order to prevent any incursion of the disease into our poultry flock.
“Officials will continue to work closely with poultry keepers and the wider industry as we seek to mitigate the risk of an AI incursion in Northern Ireland.”

A representative from RSPB NI said: “We have been informed that avian influenza, commonly known as bird flu, has been recorded in a small number of birds on Rathlin Island.
“There have been suspected cases at the seabird colony next to the West Light Seabird Centre, but the dead birds cannot be accessed to collect for testing, and so avian flu can’t be confirmed.
“As avian flu has already been confirmed on Rathlin, DAERA will not do any further testing of birds on the island.
“Sadly, the finding is not unexpected as the disease has already been found in wild birds across the UK and Ireland. 2021/22 has been the worst ever outbreak of HPAI in the UK and has not only affected a large number of birds but is ongoing over a long time period.
“RSPB staff and volunteers across our entire reserves network and on Rathlin Island have been following strict protocols and will continue to be vigilant for dead or sick birds, reporting these to DAERA as required. The public should not touch or handle dead or sick birds, and should report dead or sick birds to the DAERA hotline: 0300 200 7840.”
Bird keepers, however small, are being urged to register their flocks by contacting your local DAERA Direct office or online via the DAERA website.
Flock keepers can also sign up to the text alert service simply by texting ‘BIRDS’ to 67300 to receive immediate notification of any important disease information which will help to protect flocks at the earliest opportunity.
Avian Influenza is a notifiable disease. Anyone who suspects an animal may be affected by a notifiable disease must, by law, report it to their local DAERA Direct Office.
More information about the latest situation on bird flu and advice on reducing risks can be found at
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