Airports of Thailand (AoT) will improve its biometric identification systems to speed up service times at the airport.
AoT director Kerati Kijmanawat on Wednesday said the system has been implemented in the six major international airports operated by AoT: the Suvarnabhumi, Don Mueang, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Mae Fah Luang Chiang Rai and Hat Yai airports.
But the system does not yet 100% support the use of Thai ID cards, Mr Kerati said.
The system will also be developed to support ID cards with English spelling in names of more than 20 letters.
Mr Kerati said AoT will also use various technologies to improve service.
During the New Year festival, Dec 27 to Jan 2, Suvarnabhumi airport had 1.4 million passengers, an increase of 16.1% compared to the same period last year.
The airport handled 7,707 flights, an increase of 14.3%. Don Mueang Airport had 758,929 passengers, up 27%, and 4,914 flights, up 19.2% from the same period last year.
The service time for an international arrival passenger at Suvarnabhumi airport was 22 minutes on average, and for an international departure was 28 minutes per person on average, Thailand's transport minister said.
The service time for each domestic arrival is about 12 minutes, and for a domestic departure, it is 16 minutes.