As grizzly bears fatten up in advance of hibernation, some might wonder what features are important for grizzlies as they seek den sites.
“The view of course!” Idaho Fish and Game Upper Snake joked on Friday.
A Facebook post by the regional IDFG office featured images showing an enormous den discovered by biologist Jeremy Nicholson and Officers Chris Johnson and Joe Heald as they searched for a dropped tracking collar from a 600-pound research bear.

The top image shows Johnson posing at the entrance of the den to reveal its size. Another image features a stunning view from just outside the den.
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“Check out the spectacular view from the den and what it takes to excavate a den large enough to hold a grizzly bear,” the Facebook description reads.
The den even featured a ceiling vent for easy breathing.
The bear was not seen, but the group located what was left of the tracking collar inside the den.
Grizzly bears might move a ton of earth to excavate dens comfortable enough to support them during the winter. Depending on the weather, they typically begin preparing for hibernation in late November.
Male grizzlies are first to emerge from their dens in the spring, usually beginning in March. Females with cubs emerge in April or early May.