Legislation changing the decision-making process for items situated in Kentucky’s Capitol Rotunda is nearing final consideration. The House backed bill got Senate committee approval Wednesday. It takes authority away from the Historic Properties Advisory Commission and places the responsibility with the General Assembly. GOP Bill Sponsor is David Hale of Wellington.
“If the Historic Properties Advisory Commission violates this paragraph each member should be jointly and severally liable for any and all cost to remove or install the applicable statue, monument, or object of art in the new State Capitol Rotunda,” said Hale.
Currently the governor appoints members of the Commission. It was the Commission’s decision in the summer of 2020 that resulted in the removal of the statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis from the Rotunda. Pikeville GOP Senator Phillip Wheeler voted yes.
“The statues that are in the Rotunda hopefully would represent figures that would be prominent to all Kentuckians of all walks of life that that decision should be undertaken by the representatives of the people which is the state legislature,” said Wheeler.
Wheeler began his remarks by saying whether one believes the Jefferson Davis statue should have been removed or not, how it was done should be concerning.
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