Jake Kueker caught a 45.5-inch flathead catfish with a girth of 31 inches on June 25 from the Fox River in McHenry County.
“Biggest fish of my life,” he messaged.
The catfish length/girth chart at KingoftheCats.org put the weight at 49 pounds.
He caught it on a 6-inch live bluegill.
“Just curious, what’s the largest one you’ve ever seen [from the Fox]?” he wondered.
Best I can tell is that honor goes to Erik Martinez with a 52-pound flathead from Elgin.
Krueker’s flathead deserves a full-length view.
FOTW, the celebration of big fish and their stories (the stories matter, as this one shows) around Chicago fishing, runs Wednesdays in the paper Sun-Times. The online posting here atchicago.suntimes.com/outdoors goes up at varied days of the week, depending on what is going on the wide world of the outdoors.
To make submissions, email (BowmanOutside@gmail.com) or contact me on Facebook (Dale Bowman), Twitter (@BowmanOutside) or Instagram (@BowmanOutside).