The future of transportation in Renfrewshire is about to be decided and people in the area are being invited to share their views on what shape plans for the next 15 years should take.
Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) has launched a public consultation on the draft Regional Transport Strategy (RTS) for the west of Scotland.
SPT has a statutory duty under the Transport (Scotland) Act 2005 to produce an RTS every 15 years. The new RTS will replace the current strategy: A Catalyst for Change: The Regional Transport Strategy for the west of Scotland 2008 – 2021.
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The draft RTS includes targets for getting people out of cars and on to public transport or walking and cycling.
Policies include setting a minimum level of public transport service which local communities can expect, improving the quality and integration of bus services, and delivering a step change in active travel infrastructure in the region and transformational projects such as the Clyde Metro.
There is also talk of establishing an “integration of public transport systems for ticketing, travel information, booking and payment activities across all public transport modes in the region including inter-regional connections where appropriate”.
The draft plans say that there will be “20mph speed limits on a majority of roads in built up areas in the region including towns and villages”, as they seek to deliver on the Scottish Government’s Vision Zero targets, where no one is killed or seriously injured on roads by 2045.
SPT’s Chair, Councillor Stephen Dornan, said: “Communities across the region are struggling right now with the cost of living crisis, and getting back on their feet after COVID, and it is essential that our new Strategy reflects their hopes and aspiration and helps address the challenges they face.
“This new Strategy has the potential to be a game-changer - it is bold, strong and ambitious, because it needs to be. I would encourage everyone with an interest in transport in the west of Scotland to read the Strategy, get involved and have your say.”

Those wanting to view the draft version of the RTS can do so by visiting SPT’s website at where there is also information on how to give feedback on the proposals.
Responses must be submitted by Friday, October 28.
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