A review of top brass at South Ayrshire Council has been welcomed as a ‘good step forward’.
A full review of the management structure at the council is being undertaken following criticism by auditors in their best value report, published last October.
It comes as the latest senior official leaves their post, following from the resignation of former depute chief executive and director of people, Douglas Hutchison, in January.
The council has already agreed that Mr Hutchison’s role would be split, with the creation of a dedicated director of education, with Lyndsay McRoberts taking up the role.
A new post of director of people was to be created at a later date.
Another senior officer, Kevin Carr, has left his position as assistant director of place, to take up a role at South Lanarkshire Council.
In a report to councillors, chief executive Eileen Howat said: “The current chief officer structural arrangements were approved by the leadership panel in December 2017 and reflected the emerging changes and challenges that existed at that time.
“Further revisions were made in March 2020 which deleted the post of head of employee services and amended the responsibilities of assistant directors.

“In November 2021, the chief officers’ appointments/ appraisal panel agreed to recommend to council that the post of depute chief executive and director – people be divided into two posts, namely director of education and director – people.
“The recent Best Value Assurance report recommended ‘that the council should assure itself that it has the capacity and skills required to increase its pace of improvement in key aspects of Best Value, such as community planning and empowerment, financial and workforce planning and transformation’.
“One post of assistant director within the place directorate will be become vacant at the end of June following the resignation of Kevin Carr to take up the post of head of facilities, waste and grounds with South Lanarkshire Council.
“It is proposed that the chief officers’ appointments/ appraisal panel meets with the chief executive and outlines the parameters for the review of the management structure and the proposed timescale for completion.”

While the appointment of chief officers is delegated to a special appointments panel, a request was made by Labour group leader to see a report on progress brought to the council in August.
He said: “I welcome this report and it is a good step forward. Chief officer arrangements do require to be updated. There has been a significant change and it is justified.
“Would leader agree to bring copy of recommendations, once negotiated, to back to the council in August?”
Council leader Martin Dowey agreed to the request and the report was approved.
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