Tuesday’s Sun-Times perfectly summed up our world in two stories.
It was reported that Ross Stevens, CEO of the financial services firm Stone Ridge Holdings Group — which one assumes does something useful — donated $100 million to the University of Chicago to assist in creating more business school Ph.Ds. At the end of 2022, the university’s endowment stood at close to $11 billion, so hopefully they actually notice this deposit.
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Meanwhile, we also learned from the newspaper that the City of Chicago is struggling to find cash for the vulnerable migrant families. This is a situation made all the more tragic because powerful, heartless people have decided that these less fortunate fellow humans would work perfectly for them to score some political points. Of course, if only those migrants had the good fortune of inheriting a professional sports team, because our community leaders never seem to run out of money to help those downtrodden souls.
I am sure Mr. Ross donates some of his windfall to items that are less superfluous than improved “business research,” but who knows? Perhaps he can ask U. of C. to point some of those future business doctorates towards figuring out how everyone can share in the fruits of capitalism, but historically that isn’t really their style.
Don Anderson, Oak Park
Why aren’t the wealthy helping out migrants?
Chicago is a sanctuary city, so Mayor Lori Lightfoot should quit complaining about the migrants coming here or change the law.
In the meantime, she doesn’t need to use city money to cover housing, medical and food costs for those who got off the buses from the southern border. Just reach out to your donors, the philanthropists and the corporations that are always willing to donate millions to politicians and their ilk when they’re running for office.
How about hitting them up now and getting them, as well as the big corporations, to pony up some contributions to help these people and get them out of the police stations? Where are the Cubs, Sox, Bears, etc? Where’s Google and the other big corporations? J.B. Pritzker, our governor, is a billionaire. Why can’t he throw a couple million into the pot? He put more than that into his campaign to get re-elected.
This is the time for the tax burden to be relieved by those who are always espousing social justice reform. And who have the means. Not the taxpayer. Now’s the time to put your money where your mouth is.
Robert Stasch, O’Hare
Favors for the Supreme Court
The U.S. Supreme Court is influenced by big business and the rich. It shows with all those lavish gifts to the justices from convenient friends. We would hope they would follow the letter of the law in making decisions in court cases, but they could risk losing all those freebies.
Tom DeDore, Garfield Ridge