Ultralight outdoor gear just got a radical upgrade, thanks to the Colorado-based outdoor equipment specialist Big Agnes.
HyperBead fabric is a revolutionary material that promises greater strength, enhanced waterproofing, and eco-friendly credentials, taking tent fabric technology to a whole new level.
The outdoor industry is leading the way in sustainable innovation. Just look at Mammut’s Loopinsulation or Montane’s PFAS-free Petrichor technology.
And even though some of the best backpacking tents (and best tents, in general) are already chock-full of next-level material innovation, there is always room for improvement.
Designed with minimalists in mind, HyperBead fabric is 6% lighter than Big Agnes’ existing ultralight fabrics, giving trekkers and backpackers an even better weight-to-performance ratio.
But it doesn’t stop there. HyperBead is twice as strong as the company’s 7D fabric and boasts tear resistance up to 65% greater than their standard 15D fabrics.
Environmental impact is often the silent trade-off in cutting-edge outdoor tech, but Big Agnes is taking a firm stand.
HyperBead fabric is entirely PFAS-free, and does away with traditional water-repellent coatings, all while delivering 25% better waterproofing performance compared to its predecessors.
Tents featuring HyperBead fabric are already being integrated into Big Agnes’ most popular lines, including the Tiger Wall UL, Copper Spur UL Long, and Fly Creek UL.
HyperBead also brings a longer lifespan to ultralight gear, setting it apart in a category where fragility has long been a drawback.
With HyperBead, Big Agnes has pushed the boundaries of what’s possible in ultralight camping. Find out more about the technology and browse the company’s tents at Big Agnes.