A new Monmouth University poll reveals that President Joe Biden's approval rating has hit a historic low of 34%, experiencing a four-point drop since September. The ratings indicate that the majority of Americans feel dissatisfied with his handling of key policy areas, including infrastructure, jobs, mobility, climate change, inflation, and immigration.
While speculation on whether a different Democratic President could yield better results arises, it's essential to remember that Biden has accomplished more for climate change than any of his predecessors, which should stand for something. A parallel is drawn between the reigning President and George H.W. Bush in 1992 when, despite economic improvements, public mood was similarly grumpy.
The public's perception of a president's energy and charisma can sway their approval. The idea that a fresher, more youthful leader could hold better appeal for base Democrats is not lost on observers. Yet, President Biden was the one who defeated Donald Trump and stands at the helm of an agenda that not only unites various demographic groups, but it's also working, from the economy to climate change policies and abortion rights stances.
However, there seems to be a growing frustration within the administration regarding the languishing poll numbers. In a meeting reported by the Washington Post, Biden expressed dissatisfaction over his low ratings and questioned the effectiveness of his economic message. The root of the issue may be in how the public perceives the president's delivery rather than the substance of his manifesto.
The current climate of dissatisfaction doesn’t only teeter around policy debates, but heavily leans on 'culture war stuff,' finding resonance within both Democrat and Republican aisles. Irrespective of policy, the public mood seems guided more by their perception of the leaders, highlighting the importance of a candidate's image in modern politics.
Nevertheless, politics is ever-changing. The scenario might shift in coming months as the campaign ramps up. For now, a sentiment that unifies the Democratic camp is their support for Biden's re-election, confident in his ability to continue his work and, hopefully, close the gap in public approval.