It was bald caps, cricket gear and Lycra aplenty at St Joseph's Primary School where children came dressed as their dearest principal Cameron Tarrant for Primary Principal's Day.
Emma Percival, 10, donned a Sydney Swans jersey, cap and scarf because she knows they're Mr Tarrant's team.
Meanwhile, five-year-old Annabelle, dressed up as a cricketer. A nod to her principal's love for the game.
With blinding-white lines of sunscreen across her face, she said she loved her principal for his kindness.
"I picked this outfit because Mr Tarrant is bald", nine-year-old Gonzalo Alomos-Holt said wearing a beige bald cap. "He's a very nice principal. He doesn't yell at us."
Strapping on a bright fluorescent helmet, eight-year-old Humphrey Groat channelled his principals's passion for bike riding.
"He's not a mean principal like Mr Krupp from Captain Underpants," he said.
Principal Tarrant had completely forgotten about the day until he arrived at work and noticed everyone looking a tad too familiar.
Little did he know, assistant principal Amy Doszpot shot off a secret email to all the parents the day before requesting them to participate in the grand gesture.
"For starters, [Mr Tarrant] is an absolute legend of a principal. He does so much for us," she said. " So I put a few suggestions out to the kids."
The entire school also came out to watch a "teachers versus year six students" cricket match to honour the principal.
Last year, Mr Tarrant had a quiet tea with teachers and staff who had decorated his office for Primary Principal's Day. This year, the school definitely upped the ante.
Throughout history, some may have grown up being afraid of their principal's mere presence in the room, but these kids high-five theirs in the school hallway.
"You're the best principal," one student said as Mr Tarrant walked past.
"I'm the only one you've got," the principal humbly said.
"You're still the best principal ever!" the boy exclaimed.
Primary Principal's Day in Australia is celebrated annually on the first Friday in August.