Q: I have recently planted some rose bushes in my backyard and have heard it's a good idea to mulch them. What material should I use?
A: A layer of mulch helps soil retain moisture, protects roots against winter frosts, and keeps weeds at bay. What's more, it can provide plants with added nutrients. So if you're growing roses, it's well worth adding mulching to your maintenance routine, especially at this time of year, to keep them in top condition.
There are a few different types of mulch you can use to help your roses flourish. Below, plant-care professionals share their advice.

4 mulches for healthy roses
Liam Beddall of David Austin Roses recommends using an organic, biodegradable mulch rather than something like an aggregate. The benefit of this is that worms and other microorganisms will bring it down into the soil, he explains. This improves the soil’s structure and encourages better drainage.
Moreover, these mulches add nutrients to the soil as they decompose over time.
'As with anything, too much of a good thing is when problems occur, so changing up your mulch each year can encourage a rich microorganism layer in the soil,' he adds.
1. Garden compost

Homemade compost is a great option for mulching roses – and budget-friendly, too if you make your own.
If composted properly, it should give plenty of nutrients to the soil, Liam says. 'Adding lots of green and woody material to the heap and turning regularly will give you a good balance.'
Grass clippings are 'an excellent source of nitrogen', and can be added to compost heaps as part of a 'balanced diet', he adds.
2. Bark chippings

Kiersten Rankel of plant-care app Greg says shredded bark is an 'excellent mulch for roses'.
'Whether cedar, pine, or hardwood, bark mulch breaks down slowly, adding organic matter to the soil while staving off weeds effectively,' she says. 'It also looks great in a garden.' What's more, cedar bark has the added benefit of being a natural pest repellent, she adds.
However, Liam points out a precaution: 'In a rose garden setting, using large-pieced bark in thick layers can stop water penetrating the soil so freely, so do be careful.'
This organic mulch is made from sustainable wood and has great customer reviews.
This kind of mulch is great at suppressing weeds and many of the reviews say it not only looks attractive, but smells great too. Just a warning, avoid if you are a dog owner as it is toxic to dogs.
Cedar mulch is a wonderful, natural way to give roses a boost when winter is approaching, and is aromatic too.
3. Leaves

You can also use composted leaves, otherwise known as leaf mold, to mulch your roses.
'They’re rich in nutrients, improve soil structure as they break down, and create an ideal environment for beneficial organisms,' says Kiersten. 'It's also free if you collect and compost your own leaves. The only downside is that it may need replenishing more frequently than bark mulch.'
4. Manure

While manures have varying levels of nutrients, they make a good mulch or soil conditioner, as Liam points out. They can improve both sandy, free-draining soils as well as heavier clay soils, he adds.
'The most important thing is to ensure that it is well-rotted (generally when you can no longer smell it),' Liam continues. If it's not, it may burn and scorch plants and deplete nitrogen from the soil as it continues to break down.
Are pine needles a good mulch for roses?
'The thing to be careful of is that they are acidic,' says Liam. 'So, while they are ideal for ericaceous plants, as they break down in the soil they can be altering the pH. While roses can tolerate some acidity, they do not like extremes.'
When should you apply mulch to roses?
'We recommend applying mulch in the spring, just after your first feed,' says Liam. 'This is the perfect time as it locks in all of the moisture accumulated over the winter and smothers over any weed seeds in the soil to inhibit germination through sunlight.'
You can also mulch again in late fall, adds Kiersten. This will help to keep the plants warm through winter.
Stephanie Waltz of Star® Roses and Plants also recommends applying mulch immediately after planting roses, no matter what time of year.
How should you apply mulch to roses?
'Apply one to two inches around the rose, about as wide as the rose's branches reach,' says Stephanie. 'Be careful to leave a few inches diameter around the base, so that the mulch does not touch the rose itself. This can lead to rot and other disease issues.'
Looking for more rose-care advice? Our guides on watering roses and pruning roses have you covered.