You might have already heard of manifestation thanks to various trending creators and sounds on Tik Tok and Instagram.
Before the sceptics and manifestation traditionalists click away, we’re here to provide some historical background to the increasingly popular practice in order to shed light on this particular, spiritual way of being.
Small hint: It’s not quite as simple as chanting “I love money and money loves me” until you’re blue in the face, though the concept is a good start.
Let’s start by introducing you to the Law of Attraction. Popularised by the New Thought movement in the 19th century, it is the karmic idea that like attracts like – that positive thinking attracts a positive reality – due to the wider idea that the mind, spirit, and universe are all intrinsically connected. The origins of this philosophy, however, are centuries old.
The New Thought movement was believed to be inspired by Hermeticism; a philosophy based on the teaching of Hermes Trismegistus which dates back to late antiquity. Hermeticism is widely considered to be the ultimate nexus between science, philosophy, and spirituality and the seven Hermetic principles act as a guide to self-fulfilment – one of the key tenets being the idea that the universe is a manifestation of the mind and thereby the sprit.
Hermeticism gave way to New Thought, and New Thought subsequently gave way to New Age philosophy in the early 1970s and 80s. This movement is best known for the hippie dippy-type, peace, love and light self-proclaimed gurus. Yet New Agers also believed in the notion of universal inter-relatedness, making them some of the first to bring manifestation as we know it into the limelight.
As Vice put it, modern manifestation is currently acting as Gen Z’s answer to New Age spirituality. Often materialised in viral Tik Tok sounds of various meditative chants, or the “Shut up, I’m manifesting” meme, we can look at the meme-ificaiton of Gen Z’s take on manifestation in a similar manner to the hippie trope. The tools and the philosophies are there, it could just do with a little extra digging.
There are plenty of books out there on the karmic practice which seems to crop up time and time again throughout history. Indeed, it is not uncommon for people to find spirituality in times of global crisis. In fact, we can trace the current resurgence back to the outbreak of Covid. In 2020, as lockdowns began, Google searches of “manifesting” went up by 600 per cent.
Alongside crystals to focus your intentions, journalling to track your progress, or tarot cards to help focus your manifestation in line with your greater spiritual path and higher purpose – a good piece of literature on the topic will help you on your way to becoming an expert on manifesting through the Law of Attraction.
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The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

This seminal text was written in 2001 and still has an immense impact in the present day. Having studied at both the University of London and Cambridge, Eckhart Tolle has made a name for himself as one of the leading contemporary teachers of spirituality and self-help.
In just 192 pages, Tolle guides us on a journey into the life-changing nature of acknowledging and existing within the present moment. Guided by a non-patronising question and answer format, readers are taught how to take a concept that at first feels incredibly simple all the way to reach a greater enlightenment.
If you’ve ever attempted to embark on a simple, five-minute guided meditation and manifestation session but found it utterly impossible – as most do – you’ll want to grab a copy of this book.
Buy now £7.69, Amazon
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

You might recognise this book from your parents’ or grandparents’ bookshelves – once shiny and new back in 2006, now dog-eared and re-read over and over. Thanks to the seal of approval from Oprah following its initial release, sales of The Secret skyrocketed and now total over 30 million copies worldwide. It’s certainly no secret anymore.
In The Secret, Byrne details the great mystery of the universe and unravels the secret to eradicating obstacles and achieving the impossible. By mastering the Law of Attraction through three main practice points, Byrne believes you can achieve anything you desire. Through this wonderful and timeless book, you’ll learn all about the three-step Manifestation Practice, its roots in forgotten histories and oral traditions, as well as how to engage in true self-love.
Buy now £16.99, Amazon
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Dr Deepak Chopra

One of the most famous figures within the New Age movement, the Indian-American author Dr Deepak Chopra is both a licensed physician and proponent of alternative medicines. He offers a perceptive on the attainment of successes based on the universal interconnectedness and fluidity of the mind, body, and spirit which is essential to traditional manifestation practices.
In The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Chopra distils life-altering manifestation advice into seven simple principles and seven adjacent mantras. At just 118 pages, this pocket-sized book can be carried around and plucked out of your bag whenever you’re in need of a spiritual boost or meditative session.
Buy now £12.99, Waterstones
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran (Paperback)

Largely considered to be the founding text of the New Age movement, The Prophet is an allegorical guide to spiritual living. Though it essentially became a Bible within the 1960s New Age Movement, the sentiments expressed in Gibran’s seminal text continue to ring true today.
The book, which was originally published in 1923, follows a selection of 26 prose poetry fables written in English by the Lebanese-American poet and writer. It is divided into thematic chapters, each dealing with different topics such as love, marriage, children joy, sorrow, passion, pain. You could almost think of it as a 20th century spin on The Cantebury Tales, minus the Christian dualism. Rather, the author’s connection to both the Maronite and Bahá’í Faiths acted as a strong influence on his writing, the latter of which particularly stresses the unity of all people and things.
If you’re already an experienced manifester, pick up a copy of The Prophet and delve into the text that brought the centuries-old philosophy back into the zeitgeist in the 20th century.
Buy now £8.99, Waterstones
The Art of Manifesting by Carolyn Boyes (Hardback)

Moving into more contemporary texts, this book was published in December 2022 and its author, Carolyn Boyes, is on a mission to teach readers how to tap into the power of the universe. After a successful career as a fund manager and stockbroker, Boyes discovered how to combine simple, practical self-help tools from her experience in both businesses and psychology alongside the more ancient traditions.
Boyes’ teachings first focus is on how to awaken your power and control your desire before moving on to the main principles of manifestation. The perfect starter-book for those just getting into the practice, The Art of Manifesting is split into eight intuitive sections and is bookended by an incredibly helpful introduction and summary.
Buy now £11.95, Amazon
Your Manifesting Year, Joey Hulin (Hardback)

In this book, Hulin combines modern manifesting tools with those associated with the more ancient practice, including contemporary journalling habits, rituals and ceremonies. Hulin seeks to help us readers work on a month-by-month basis, with each chapter focused on a different monthly intentions. For instance, July is marked as the month for success, August is for abundance and October is for self-acceptance.
If you’re looking for a practical means of bringing manifestation into your daily life through useful exercises, prompts and a handy monthly guide - this is the manifestation text for you.
Buy now £14.99, Waterstones
The Game of Life and How to Play It, Florence Scovel Shinn (Paperback)

Another historical wonder and one of the first authors to extol the power of right-thinking, Shinn wrote The Game of Life back in 1925. The author touches on a variety of important spiritual ideas when it comes to manifestation, including The Law of Expectancy, The Power of Words and The Law of Karma.
Think of this text as a 108-page manual on the infinite power of the mind and the spirit, and how to reach your full potential when it comes to manifestation.
Buy now £7.50, Amazon
Manifest Day by Day: How to Get the Life You Want, Starting Now, Alanis Cooper (Hardback)

Focusing on everything from the Law of Attraction to scripting, visualisation, mediation and how to manifest your deepest desires, Cooper’s book offers up a range of incredibly useful and inspiring tools to help create the life you want. If you’d like to begin building your own daily manifestation practice, Cooper offers a wonderful, clear and concise starting point for beginners and experts alike.
Buy now £14.99, Waterstones
Manifest: The Sunday Times Bestseller

You have probably spotted the orange cover of this instantly-recognisable book on coffee tables in Insta snaps. This bestseller aims help you on your journey of self-love, self-improvement and manifesting all the things you truly desire.
Written by the ‘Queen of Manifesting’ Roxie Nafousi, it details how to engage in the best manifestation practices through seven simple steps. With the seventh and final step encompassing the ultimate manifestation mantra — to trust in the universe — Nafousi’s philosophy on the law of attraction and the art of manifesting has been described as 2022’s answer to Byrne’s The Secret.
If you’re in the market for some no-nonsense and entirely practical steps to achieving your goals, this wonderfully written and easy to understand book is your solution.
Buy now £9.99, Amazon