India Meteorological Department had issued a yellow warning for Bengaluru on Tuesday predicting heavy rains. Meanwhile, holidays was announced for schools and PU colleges across the city.
As per a news minute report, traffic was majorly impacted on the Outer Ring Road, which also connects the city to the tech parks located on the outskirts of Bengaluru. ORR Bellandur near Eco Space saw major flooding as rainwater overflowed from stormwater drains onto the street.
Rainbow Drive Layout and Sunny Brooks on Sarjapur Road were flooded after a stormwater drain overflowed. Water entered many homes, and officials were seen pumping out the water from the roads. Another video showed a jeep submerged in rainwater. Officials say the reason for this is that stormwater drains have been encroached upon, and the culvert at Sarjapura Road is not of adequate capacity to contain the flooding.