The trend of synthetic leather stand bags has been bubbling away for the last few years with more and more brands offering their own versions of a classic, premium stand bag. Think of the Ogio Shadow and Vessel Players V stand bags as leading examples of this. This year appears to be no different and now Ben Hogan has entered the fray. This is a brand ready-made to create a stand bag like this, and the new Signature model ticks pretty much every box in this field.
As with most of these types of bags, the majority is made from a water-resistant synthetic leather material - note it’s not fully waterproof - that aims to provide a blend of practicality and classy looks. It’s a much heavier material than you’ll find on the best lightweight stand bags, but at 2.6kg it’s still relatively lightweight compared to some larger stand bags.

Unlike any other bag I’ve tested, the designers opted to employ quilted side panels. Initially, I didn’t think I liked this particular design choice as it interrupted what was otherwise a very clean and minimal design. However, over time I've warmed to it. It offers a different texture to what otherwise could be seen as a plain bag to look at. You can add your colour and style to the bag too with your towel and headcovers.
It features an 8" 5-way top, which is more than enough for all 14 clubs. I've never quite decided whether I prefer a 4 or 5-way top on the best stand bags, and I don't think it matters that much as long as all 14 clubs can co-exist with as little crowding as possible. The adjustable, padded strap is solid too. It's not an industry leader by any means - I prefer the carry straps on the Vessel Player V, Callaway Fairway C HD and Sun Mountain 2024 H2NO Litespeed - but I always felt comfortable and like the weight of the bag was well distributed as I walked the course.

Pocket space is plentiful, with a large side pocket for apparel and a fur-lined valuables pocket and there are touches of quality all over this bag. My favourites include the magnetic rangefinder pocket on the front of the bag as well as the two water bottle holders on either side of the ball pocket, both of which are also magnetic. There’s something about a magnetic pocket that lifts the ease of use and quality of a bag, and both have been well executed here. That it comes in around £100 cheaper than competitor bags from Ogio and Vessel should make it all that more appealing to the discerning golfer looking for a classic and understated carry bag, but it’s quite willing to part with the money Ogio and Vessel are asking for.