Ben Grimm has been the heart-and-soul of Marvel Comics ever since he was introduced as the ever-lovin' blue-eyed Thing back in 1961's Fantastic Four #1 - and now he's back in the spotlight in his own team-up title Clobberin' Time, in which he hangs out with some of the most popular Marvel heroes.
In May 31's Clobberin' Time #3, the team-ups get mystical and metaphysical as Ben Grimm crosses paths with Doctor Strange on his quest to track down the alien thief known as Ogdu who has been bedeviling the Thing throughout the limited series.
"Ben Grimm travels to the Jersey Shore (and beyond) for a Grimm family reunion. Things get even more awkward when Doctor Strange shows up with information about the time-and-space-traveling thief who's been haranguing the Thing," reads Marvel's official description of the issue. "Don't miss part three of the greatest Thing story ever told, as far as we know…"
Written and drawn by Steve Skroce with colors from Bryan Valenza and letters by Joe Sabino, Clobberin' Time #3 pits Ben Grimm and Doctor Strange against a massive magical monster before their confrontation with Ogdu the thief.
Check out an early look at some unlettered interior pages right here:

As the Thing, Ben Grimm has been a fan favorite Marvel character since the earliest days of the Marvel Universe, even acting as one of Marvel Comics' mascot characters throughout the '60s and '70s. Clobberin' Time is the latest solo title for Ben Grimm, but in the '70s and '80s he had his own ongoing title.
Ben Grimm is one of the most central characters in nearly all of the best Fantastic Four stories of all time.