Below Deck fans are calling for "more airtime" for an "unproblematic and hilarious" yachtie who just "gets on with the job – with no drama".
Viewers of the hit-Bravo reality TV show are begging producers to show more of the less-than chaotic crew after stew Camille Lamb got the boot.
The show is known for its drama, but viewers seemingly still have the appetite for calmer scenes, calling for more episodes featuring the "hilarious" Hayley De Sola Pinto.
"Hayley needs more airtime! She’s unproblematic and hilarious," Tweeted one viewer after this week's explosive episode – which saw Camille's bombshell culling.

Captain Sandy had become fed up after her boozy partying and a drink on the job was the final straw, sending her packing off the luxury boat.
Responding to calls for "calm" Hayley to get more time in front of the camera, another wrote: "They probably don't give her enough air time because she doesn't have the drama."
"Unfortunate because she's great," they explained – while hundreds reacted to the post, calling for more drama-less scenes on the show.
"Agreed! She's a gem!" replied one. "Yes agree totally Haley is a classic sooo funny," said another.

Speaking in an interview before starring in the premiere of season 10, Hayley actually described herself as a "hot mess" - something that clearly isn't showing on-screen.
"Hayley and Katie prime examples of great workers who just do their job," wrote another Below Deck viewer. "They don't complain and avoid the petty bulls**t."
"I like these two out of the whole lot. I wonder how Camille's 'career' will flourish after her escapades on the sea?" joked another – following Camille's fast exit.
Enough was enough as Camille was ordered the leave the ship by interim Captain Sandy.
"You don't drink on the job, Camille," chief stew Fraser Olender fumed as he confronted her on Monday's episode. "Come on, babe, it's not a holiday. Ridiculous."

It was a "pint-size glass of champagne" that sealed her fate, something that "just goes to show there's truly no care or willingness to do the job," Fraser fumed.
"I love the girl, but she's not doing the job," he told Captain Sandy. That was enough, as she expressed "I'm tired of hearing about Camille".
"She's the common denominator in all of this. Great girl, great personality, but at the same time, we have to do what's best for the boat," Sandy said.
Camille was ordered to the bridge before being asked to leave. "I'm letting you go this morning," Sandy told a confused-looking Camille.
Clearly not seeing it coming, the stew said: "Oh my god, no! Really?"
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