Bellator and Embosom impressed when the horses were exercised here on Tuesday morning (May 3).
Outer sand:
600m: Smashing Blue (rb) 44. Strode out well. Twilight Fame (Rajesh K) 42.5. Worked well. Pleroma (rb) 45. Moved on the bit.
1200m: Air Blast (Arul) 1-14.5, 600/44.5. In fine trim. Chisox (Arul) 1-15, 600/44.5. Moved freely.
1200m: Embosom (Arul) 1-29, 1,000/1-13.5, 600/45. Pleased. Bellator (Indrajeet) 1-29.5, 1,000/1-13.5, 600/44.5. Impressed.
Gate practice - Inner sand:
1200m: Triple Wish (rb), Devils Magic (Arul) 1-24, (1,200-600) 43. They jumped out well.
Noted on - May 1
Outer sand:
600m: Bramastram (rb), Magellan (rb) 43. They moved impressively.
Noted on - April 30
Inner sand:
1400m: Watchmystars (Anjar) 1-36.5, (1,400-600) 51.5. Worked well.
Outer sand:
600m: Peridot (Likith) 44.5. Shaped well.
1000m: Chul Bul Rani (rb) 1-14, 600/43.5. In fine trim. Imperial Blue (rb) 1-15.5, 600/45.5. Moved freely. Besuge (rb) 1-15, 600/43. Moved attractively.
Noted on - April 29
Outer sand:
600m: Queenstown (Likith), Artemis Ignacia (Chetan G) 43.5. Latter finished two lengths ahead. Aferpi (rb), Twilight Fame (Rajesh K) 45. They finished together.