We know Mother’s Day is a commercial invention which should probably be ignored... and yet... do so at your peril. Whether you see it as a nonsense or not, a chic present which confirms your eternal gratitude and recognition at what she does for the family can only go well. Hopefully when it comes to Father’s Day, the gesture will be returned. Here are the brands which should be on your gift list.
Damson Madder blouse, £85
There’s a reason every Clapton Mum is bedecked in Damson Madder, from the cute shirts to the beautifully fitting denim from their new ‘Worn’ range.

Bella Freud ‘I love you in the morning’ jug, £85

The just-cheesy-enough sentiment (add a bunch of flowers for bonus points), from Bella Freud.
Ganni ‘bou bucket’ pouch, £375

Perfect bright little bag for a colour pop from the Danish label
TBCo cotton pyjamas in green stripe, £95

The Glassette homewares site is a platform for stylish homeware, art and loungewear, glassette.com
END. Home Studyo Oscar Vase, £109
This yolk-yellow vase will brighten up her (and your) shelves no end. There’s a lovely green one for £65, too.

LF Markey cobalt jumpsuit, £230
The Saturday afternoon pub uniform for London’s most chic mums, and for good reason. This cobalt version is very jollying for spring.

Aries j’adoro aries paved earring, £100
Showstopper earrings from one of the coolest brands of the moment.